Thursday, March 15, 2007

Expired paperwork has to be re-done.

I have sent in a new I600A form, which is the "Application for Advance Processing of Orphan Petition". The result of this will be the I171H which is the approval notice from Immigration that everyone has to receive before adopting from outside the U.S. My first I600A was sent in back in June of '05, which resulted in the I171H that I received in October of '05. So I've already done this once, but the approval from CIS only last for 18 months so my approval runs out in April '07, next month. They want to make sure you are still parent material since 18 months have passed. Makes sense I guess but what a pain in the pocketbook! Along with filing a new application, paying another fee to CIS (it wasn't a small amount), they also require new fingerprints be taken (more $, and what would change about your fingerprints?), since last time, and a homestudy update. Homestudy was updated last July when it expired after 12 months, and fingerprints re-done in Dec. when they expired after 15 months. So I'm good to go, or will be when my new I171H arrives. Can't wait to get it!